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Voice Recognition

就业安置 and Apprenticeship


就业安置 provides opportunities for successful adjustment from school to work with the help of the instructor and supervisors to coordinate the experience. This service is provided free of charge to employers, students, and graduates of the 职业中心. 就业安置 is not automatic for every student. It is a privilege for those students who earn the right to participate.

Every effort is made to assure that each student is placed in a job that is challenging and appropriate for this skill level. Career-technical lab teachers maintain weekly communication with each employer and student. Students are permitted to attend all special school events and competitions, as well as preparatory events for graduation, while participating in 就业安置. The date of eligibility to participate is determined by the student’s 出席, grade point average, and teachers’ recommendations. Students with better 出席, 成绩 and 的态度 will be permitted to co-op beginning in late January. Those students who meet all the criteria except for cumulative GPA will be permitted to co-op in late March.

The teacher’s recommendations are based on work habits, personal appearance, 出席, 的态度, 成绩, 行为, human relations, following directions, following safety procedures, employability skills and vocational competence (theory, technical knowledge and skill application).

Eligible students may attend school ½ day and work ½ day during the second semester of the second year in a two-year career preparation programs. Students participating in Placement continue to attend all academic classes and go to work during their vocational lab time.

Data is collected on all graduates seven months after graduation. Lab teachers and the Placement Specialist contact each graduate by phone to determine their employment and continuing education status. This information is then reported to the State Department of Education in a statistical form. It is then used to measure the success of career preparation.

Non-Related Job Opportunities
All students participating in 就业安置 must be working in a job that is related to their chosen career. Those jobs not related will be posted on the Jobs Bulletin Board for the general population of students to view. Students interested in these position will not be pre-screened and may only work after school and on weekends. Non-related jobs are usually appropriate for students just beginning their career preparation who have not yet achieved proficiency in their career fields.

Non-Traditional Employment
正规的棋牌平台排行榜 县 职业中心 encourages adult and secondary students to choose a career path based on their interest and talent, regardless of the traditional workforce in that career field. 女电焊工, auto technicians and machinists are as valuable to employers as their male counterparts. A support mechanism is in place through the 就业安置 Office to provide mentors for students enrolled in non-traditional career fields.

For more information contact:
Mr. 瑞克马克
937-372-6941 ext. 1314

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